How we can help:
At MODAL, we partner with organisations to improve performance and deliver returns through innovative leadership and team strategies. We do this through our accredited and custom programs, close consultation and measurement to create a healthy culture that sticks. Discover more about our core services and also our customised programs below.
Specialised Programs
MODAL has developed a series of specialised programs that capture and solve some of Australia’s biggest workplace problems. These programs have been developed from years of experience working within organisations on custom programs, when we identified common threads and desired outcomes.
Since 1993 MODAL has been working with organisations including BHP Billiton, Western Power, Woodside, RAC, Anglicare, Ramsay Healthcare, BGC and Honeywell to assist them in developing a healthy, sustainable culture and impactful leadership teams.
We partner with you to develop your organisations culture that delivers on your strategy in an innovative, fun and measurable way.
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From our experts