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With high performance teams, organisations see advanced performance, improved efficiency and collaboration and positive outcomes for internal and external stakeholders. These are the five barriers you want to remove to ensure your team is creating high performance for your organisation.

Setting unclear goals

To be a successful team, you need to determine specific goals you would like to achieve. High performance teams communicate these goals to each team members. This allows team leaders to make sure team members are aligned to organisational values, mission and vision. In addition, leaders can create a more engaging, workplace culture for the team but making room for team members to share new ideas that are aligned with the organisation’s mission and vision. Failure to do so hinders team productivity and success.

Discouraging innovation and optimism

Some leaders discourage team members from thinking outside the box in an effort to control the direction of the team. Instead, this leaves team members feeling undervalued and underappreciated. The workplace is constantly changing and it is important for teams to be highly innovative to adapt to changes and place the organisation as a leader in the industry. Top performing leaders put systems in place to help support and encourage innovation in their teams.

Promoting cliques or exclusive groups within a team

When cliques form in a team, it creates a subset within a team. This can cause members outside the team to feel left out. It is important that team leaders deter this type of behaviour as it promotes segregation and decreases team unity and efficiency.

Failure to offer feedback to employees

Teams need to seek feedback from outside the team, not just about the individuals but also how the team is perceived to be delivering in a way which meets the organisation’s needs. The true measure of a successful team is how much it enables (rather than detracts from) the organisation’s desired culture and strategy.

Not fostering cross boundary relationships and input

Teams that do their planning and task implementation in isolation, without consulting key stakeholders who may either be impacted by the decisions or have valuable insight around roadblocks can be a recipe for disaster. Instead, seeking objective feedback from employees outside the team can have a highly positive impact on the team, supporting it thrive and create high-impact for the organisation and its external stakeholders.

Lead your team to create high-impact and advanced performance by removing these barriers. What will be the first one to go from the way your team currently operates?

Ed Benier

Ed Benier

Ed is a director at Modal and delivers leadership solutions that create sustainable, positive behaviour change, with the focus on achieving a “leadership culture” within organisations.