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High-impact teams are key to the success of an organisation. When teams are working seamlessly to achieve the objectives of the organisation, there are a significant number of benefits.

Improved morale and engagement

Employees have a high level of trust towards one another, and any confrontation is dealt with in a healthy and contributes towards business succession. Research shows that highly engaged and invested teams are 57% more effective in their work and 87% less likely to result in employees leaving the organisation (Source: Deloitte: engaging the workforce report).

Improved productivity

A high-impact integrated team is a team that functions with great productivity. Employees communicate effectively with one another, knowing exactly what their role is as a member of the team and what is required of them on a daily basis. This means deliverables are achieved on-time and in an efficient manner.

Improved collaboration

When a team takes a collaborative approach to everything they do, they create high-impact for their organisation. They communicate clearly and effectively both face-to-face and through online platforms. Each employee is on the same page with others in terms of the objectives the team needs to meet. This leads to less silos, better working relationships and drives employees to meet every goal they set.

Improved safety

A team that is aligned to the goals and objectives of the organisation and offers high-impact outputs is a safe team. Each employee can trust their team members and this increases the level of care for others. This is a fundamental requirement of an interdependent safety culture.

Increased innovation

Well-organised high-impact integrated teams are flexible in their operations, allowing for its team members to make outside-of-the-box decisions. While some decisions may not be the right ones, employees foster this knowledge and are able to learn quickly from their errors. This leads to better decisions being made in the future. In addition, the learning process helps foster the creation of unique ideas, therefore, innovating the space.

We know the foundation of any organisation is its team. When they a functioning at their best and providing high-value for the organisation, the benefits are endless. In fact, there is research to show that 23% more economic benefit is provided with high-performing teams (Source: Accelerating performance, how organisations can mobilize, execute and transform with agility, Colin Price and Sharon Toye).

What’s steps will you take today to support your team to create high-impact for your organisation?

