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With strong teams, an organisations are well-positioned for success. As the teams support and foster increased productivity and efficiency, they create high-impact for internal and external stakeholders. To lead your team to create high-impact, we recommend the following strategies.

Share the responsibility

In the workplace, it is crucial team members take responsibility for their own work and well-being. They also should have a clear idea on what work they can achieve. Give them space to share with you and their fellow team members when their workload outweighs their capacity. With a whole of team approach, team members help support each other when there is risk of burnout to ensure employees are not overworked and the work toward organisational goals are achieved.

Clearly communicate a shared purpose

The mission, vision and objectives of an organisation should be the main driving force for the work each team does. Regularly remind your team of the organisation’s mission, vision and objectives to help each of them to play their part of working towards the common goal. When organisations are driven by purpose, from general staff to management, they are more likely to be successful in their industry.

Ensure you have good communication channels

There is often a complexity when it comes to having harmonious relationships in hybrid teams, that is teams made up of employees who work in the office and who work from home, as your team are not meeting face-to-face on a regular basis. With the increase in hybrid teams across range of industries, it is imperative you lead the way by supporting methods of communication that foster productivity and collaboration in the hybrid workplace.

Shift your focus from high-performing to high-impact integration

Many teams focus on being a high-performing team, meeting key performance indicators (KPIs) and beating the competition. When your focus on leading a high-impact integrated team, you make a greater impact on the organisation as a whole. You see the bigger picture, aligned to the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives, and carefully plan actions that will contribute to the organisation.

Consider the psychological safety of your team

Psychological safety is the “belief that one will be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes” (Edmonson 1992 and 2012). When you foster a psychological safe environment for your team, there is more collaboration which adds value to the organisation while improving employee engagement and job satisfaction.

What do you need to do more of to help your team be a high-impact team?

Ed Benier

Ed Benier

Ed is a director at Modal and delivers leadership solutions that create sustainable, positive behaviour change, with the focus on achieving a “leadership culture” within organisations.